Comments for Saleyards Association Australian Saleyards Operators Association Tue, 10 Apr 2018 07:56:33 +0000 hourly 1 Comment on Vale David Pollock by admin Tue, 10 Apr 2018 07:56:33 +0000 Terribly saddened to hear of David’s passing. Nanette and I have known and worked with him for many years. He was a lovely person, diligent in his responsibilities and I am sure respected by all with whom he came in contact. His Golden Oldies radio show listeners will also miss that passionate side of his personality. Our deepest commiserations are with Ranjan and other members of his family at this time.
Martin Crampton, Nanette Gibson and family

Comment on 2014 Annual Conference by Richard James Mon, 26 May 2014 06:26:53 +0000 Looking forward to catching up with everyone

Comment on NSQA GAINS LMA ACCREDITATION by Richard James Wed, 19 Jun 2013 22:18:23 +0000 Well done

Comment on Revisions to Animal Welfare COP – June 2013 by Graeme Riches Thu, 13 Jun 2013 04:05:33 +0000 I am quite happy to be called out or have someone available up to 7.00 pm to deal with an animal welfare issue but if it is after this time and an animal has to be destroyed humanly I believe the local Government should have funds available to pay the fees for a Private Vet. to destroy the animal.
I do not get payed overtime and I am not employed 24/7.

Trucks will have to drive past the Colac Livestock Selling Centre on weekends soon because the front gate will be closed and padlocks from 5.00pm Friday till 7.00am Monday.

I will not be responcible for all livestock unloaded at this Selling Centre.

Comment on Saleyards as drop off sites by Steve Bourne Thu, 13 Jun 2013 03:59:44 +0000 Do they receive revenue for providing the service? If not, it seems a simple business decision. The issue then is how valuable is the facility for the agents and the commmunity? If its of value for the commmunity, perhaps the subsided use is warranted, if not a lease option may be the most appropriate.

Comment on Revisions to Animal Welfare COP – June 2013 by Allan White Thu, 13 Jun 2013 02:20:26 +0000 I think after hour service is a pain in the bum but it has to be done to benifit stock,truckies ect.It happens quiet a lot here but someone always rings me at a reasonable time to let me know what going on.At the moment our ramps are all open all week with no problems

Comment on National Grass Seeds Project by Richard James Sun, 02 Jun 2013 23:11:59 +0000 Wether lambs are sold through saleyards or over the hooks, penalties are being incurred for seedy lambs.To obtain optimum prices for lamb, producers need to take ownership of the problem and engage in better farm management practices to minimise the risk of seed infestation and produce a product free of grass seeds.
Many saleyards have invested in flexible capacity to manage the large numbers of prime lambs requiring marketing before grass seed infestation becomes a problem on farm.
Saleyards may also hold extra markets prior to grass seeds running up to head in certain areas.

Comment on New Ramp Standards by ray.l.seidel Tue, 28 May 2013 09:26:18 +0000 Hello Mark McDonald + Mathew Munro (ALTRA), + John Beer (ALTRA)….

Concerning your study into “New Ramp Safety” … we have a glancing interest in what you are doing here.

Our interest stems from RFID issues … as we have been long planning to incorporate the Loading / un-Loading Ramp as a future integral component, with an array of shielded RFID Readers running down both sides of the Ramp… etc…etc

When time and resources permit us, we will fabricate a Ramp in the manner we consider best for RFID reading whilst loading and unloading (most likely at a close substantial sale-yard … Bendigo?).

You seem to be advancing quickly on your preferred design Research…. and, we would like to be kept abreast of the directions….at the moment, you are a bit ahead of us, but we will try and synchronize with you. Better late than never?

We would like to offer some suggestions that may have significance to the standard in such a way that in some future time the addition of RFID readers can be usefully accommodated (retrofitted?)

We are formulating an “in-house” futures concept for SaleYard RFID… the Loading and Un-Loading Ramps are the portals, therefore you can see our interest in our thinking (Truck mounted Readers are also under consideration).

Perhaps via this forum/Blog you can keep us up to date.

Kind Regards … Ray Seidel

Comment on Members Blog by ray.l.seidel Fri, 24 May 2013 08:53:23 +0000 Hello Mark and others…

I am the RFID designer from Boontech. We are researching and developing new concepts for Sale-yard readers for your considerations…

Our focus is for “massive numbers” that is as for , this is a difficult thing to do and as its success or failure is a pivotal thing for you all.

I think it should useful to hear more from you all … (while there is still time?).

We are just a little beyond the stage of “blue-sky dreaming” (see our precursor efforts at MountGambia). Not right just yet but soon… soon… Multi-Species is also it’s future objective.

We are focused by the concept of “unhindered speed of commerce” as the holy-grail…

Cobbling together “old panel reader” will not be sufficient for Massive Sale-Yard RFID reading. …we need to take you way beyond, we have many barriers to push and hurdles to overcome… for you.

You future activities will rely greatly on the performance and accuracy of whatever RFID reader stations you choose…the last 7-10 years has been barely tolerated R&D and barely adequate products… we both must turn the coming corner… we are getting ready now as are you.

So, can we have sane/reasonable dialogue? you have questions, we have questions…this may not be the right venue, but it’s newness is a good sign and possibly a good resource for both of us,,,, yes/no/?

Shall we start?

Kind Regards Ray Seidel

Comment on Members Blog by admin Mon, 06 May 2013 23:20:51 +0000 In reply to Allan White.

Allan, I think this will have to be treated like the recent dairy bobby calf TOF arrangements in the future.curently each yard seems to have their own rules for feeding that may include fees etc. I will add to the saleyard managers forum discussion in August. However, eventually the rules will have to be understood and known by agents, transporters and producers
